David Stanhope Archives
Archive for January 2000

Soundbite - Edvard Greig By David Stanhope

Please click on either link below

E.G.B.D.S - High Quality MP3 - 410K (approx. 80 second download)


E.G.B.D.S - Mid Quality MP3 - 70K (approx. 14 second download)


The brass quintet "Ceremonial Fanfares" was completed on time, and will be rehearsed and premièred in January at Macquarie University, during the summer music camp there. I expect to attend a rehearsal in case there are any problems or questions from the players.

CD news: the Yvonne Kenny "A Christmas Gift" has sold very well and my solo piano CD "David Stanhope Plays" has received two excellent reviews so far. There is the possibility of a new orchestral CD project from ABC Classics with me conducting - it's all a matter of scheduling.

On the 29th of this month I shall be in Perth for its festival of arts, conducting the Australian première of the Philip Glass choral symphony No. 5. There are a number of solo singers and large chorus, with the West Australian Symphony Orchestra accompanying them. This concert came in at rather short notice, and the soloists are still not yet all engaged! I have not had time to do any work on it yet either, so I am not sure what it is like, but I know I am not looking forward to lugging the three large and heavy scores around during the engagement period.

I am writing this on Boxing Day, so my report on the New Year event will be next time. The weather is looming as a crucial factor.....